martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

DLX delivers in any weather!

Hernán Zambrano unloading some brand new DLX Cases
Last week, DLX delivered an order of DLX Cases all the way down in Bogotá, Colombia. Rain and thunder washed the whole city. But that didn't stop our top guy in Bogotá, Mr. Zambrano, from delivering on time.

Check out all the hardcase options for tactical storage in our website:, or visit our online store today!

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

DLX's May 2013 visit in Bogotá, Colombia

Colombian National Police members, proudly wearing the DLX t-shirt.

We were back with our friends and clients in Bogotá this past week. We were very busy showing our newest products to our clients there, and also were very happy to see some of our friends again.

We also did demonstrations and training to different military, police and first-responder groups. 
A single member of the Colombia Police can carry the DLX Xpress Shelter.

To seal the amazing trip, DLX's JJ Urhausen received a special gift from the JUNGLA Special Ops Unit, part of the Colombia National Police. This was a special Challenge Coin that came with the JUNGLA shield in a beautiful wooden box. We greatly appreciate this gesture from our friends!
Capt. Tom Breen (left) and JJ Urhausen, after receiving the JUNGLA challenge coins and badges.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Jim Cantore loves DLX's Hydropack

Jim Cantore loves DLX's Hydropack

Weather Channel's Jim Cantore enjoying an orange flavored Hydropack
Deployed Logix was present at the National Hurricane Conference 2013 in New Orleans, LA, where we recieved a susrprise visit from Weather Channel's Jim Cantore. He was impressed by all our Emergency Prepardeness products, especially the DLX Hydropack, our personal Osmotic Filtration bag that can purify any water in 8 hours, in an effortless and powerless way.

We will be on-air with him in June, but meanwhile Jim had a refreshing sip from our orange flavor sample. Enjoy!

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Say Hello to our Online Store:

Say Hello to our Online Store:

Our team at DLX has done a great effort putting together our new Online Store. Visit to find a wide atrrangement of products that will make your First Response and Emergency tasks easier and more efficient.

From Hydration to Off-grid Power, Tactical Lightining and Accesories, we have your emergency and tactical needs covered. Visit us today and say goodbye to shipping charges (for a limited time only)

Visit us at

Deployed Logix @ Washington DC

Our very own Adam Barr in front of the White House
We recently visited our friends and clients in Washigton, D.C. Visit for more information on our products. Also, visit our online store at