miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

The New DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit

Everything you need for 3 days of survival is included in the DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit.
Deployed Logix has created one of the most interesting ultimate survival products out there: The DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit. It contains the essential hydration, nutrition, illumination and sanitation products to survive in the outdoors or in case of a disaster or emergency.

The concept behind it comes from 25+ years of experience in the emergency preparedness industry. Deployed Logix has used its know-how and experience to create a 3-day kit that has a 5 year shelf life and is 100% Made in America. This kit is for 1 or 2 persons. We have teamed-up with first class companies to produce this unique kit, which is exclusive to Deployed Logix.

For all First Responders, Campers, Survivalists, and Preppers out there, you just can't afford to go out without this Kit!

Shop it NOW online here: http://www.shopdlx.com/products/72-hour-life-essential-kit 

Or shop for our entire product line at www.shopdlx.com

martes, 25 de junio de 2013

The joy of Delivering an Order

Off it goes!
At Deployed Logix, the best day is when an order leaves our Eugene, Oregon warehouse and hits the road!

In the picture, we see a truckload and trailer filled with some of our brand new products: the DLXpress Shelter with the Power Logix 700 kit; some of our 50" and 62" DLX Hard Cases; and finally one of the coolest Off-Grid solutions out there, or new Power Case 700 kit.

Don't forget to visit www.shopdlx.com to purchase online. Shipping charges all over the U.S. are included in our prices!

DLX @ Frankfurt, Germany

Deployed Logix's JJ Urhausen with some first responders in Frankfurt, Germany, and the amazing Commerzbank building in the background.

It has been a crazy 2013 for DLX, traveling all over the world showing our newest products and technology. On our way to Qatar, we stopped in Frankfurt and visited some first responders there.

Deployed Logix sells the most advanced deployment products in the world. From individuals to governments, from NGO's to military clients worldwide, DLX makes Global Deployment easier and faster. 

For our online store, visit www.shopdlx.com


Ha sido un agitado 2013 para DLX, viajando por todo el mundo mostrando nuestros nuevos productos y teconologías. En ruta a Qatar, paramos en Frankfurt, Alemania y visitamos algunos equipos de emergencias.

Deployed Logix vende los más avanzados productos para desplazamiento en el mundo. Desde individuos hasta gobiernos, de Organizaciones no gubernamentales a clientes militares en todo el mundo, DLX hace el deplazamiento en todo el mundo algo rápido y fácil.

Visita nuestra tienda virtual en: www.shopdlx.com

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

The Alaska Outdoors is not far enough...

DLX's Brandon Webb
Deployed Logix is known for traveling the world visiting customers, and solving their deployment needs by delivering our products on time. And the Alaska Wilderness is no exception.

DLX's own Brandon Webb recently visited this wonderful corner of the world, meeting and making new friends and clients. Our customers may be anywhere in the world, and in Deployed Logix we are ready to go all the way.


A Deployed Logix se le conoce por viajar alrededor del mundo visitando clientes y resolviendo sus necesidades de desplazamiento, entregando nuestros productos a tiempo. Y Alaska no es la excepción.

Brand Webb, de DLX visitó recientemente este hermoso rincón del mundo, concociendo nuevos amigos y clientes. Nuestros clientes pueden estar en cualquier lugar del mundo, y en Deployed Logix estamos listos para recorrer todos los caminos.