miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Expodefensa III Bogotá, Day 1

Our first day at Expodefensa in Bogotá, Colombia, was a success. We started the day by having a visit by the U.S. Ambassador in Colombia, Mr. P. Michael McKinley to the Deployed Logix booth. There we showed some of our products to him and were very excited to have him around.

Ambassador McKinley wished us success in the fair and the omen definitely worked, as we met some very interesting people from Colombian Police and Military forces, as well as very promising American and international contacts.

Ambassador McKinley having a chat with Deployed Logix partners
Visitors from various Colombian security forces visited the DLX stand in Expodefensa III

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

See you in ExpoDefensa III, Bogotá, Colombia

The new DLX-Xpress packed neatly inside the new DLX-402 Hard Case
We are very pleased to announce that Deployed Logix will be present at EXPODEFENSA III, International Security and Defense Fair, from October 31 to November 2, in Bogotá, Colombia.

We will be located inside the International US Pavillion, and for the first time, we will be showing our products directly. These inlclude, among others:

- DLX-Forts Shelter - The ultimate portable shelter for the military, emergency and exploration industries.
- DLX-Xpress - The shelter system that deploys in less than 90 seconds.
- DLX-Box Hard Cases - First of its kind, these patented cases offer storage solutions with superior performance and the world's most advanced modular stackability (see photo above).
- DLX Hydration Solutions - The SeaPack Crew, Hydropack, Hydrowell and Expedition water putification solutions offer the most advanced and economical method for desalinized and purifying water available in the world.
- DX-300 Water Purification Plant - A light and compact solution that purifies water for 400 people each day.

We hope to see you there!