domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

DSEI 2013 Show, London, England

Deployed Logix's DSEI 2013 Highlights

London, England
It was a busy week from September 9-13 for Deployed Logix' staff as we travelled to London, England for the DSEI 2013 show at ExCel.

There we met up with friends, clients and aquaintances who took a closer look at our new and now classic products. We were proudly part of the US Pavillion thanks to a kind invitation by Alexa Hamilton, Global Trade Experto from the Oregon Chamber of Commerce, and along with another innovative company HIT, we proudly represented Oregon Business.

One pleasant surprise was the visit by US Ambassador to the UK, Matthew Barzun, who took a close look at ur products, and even had a sip of one of our DLX Hydropacks, one of the most innovative products on the show. The Hydropack turns any dirty or polluted water into 500 ml of fresh, nutrituous drinkable solution similar to a sports drink.

We will definitely back in 2015 for the next London Show.

US Ambassador to the UK, Mathew Barzun, sips from one of DLX's Hydropack Hydration bags.
US Ambassador Mathew Barzun talks with Deployed Logix partners at the Deployed Logix booth in DSEI 2013, London, England
One exhibition at DSEI 2013, London, England

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Full Warehouse Ready to Ship!

The DLX warehouse in Eugene, OR
We just wanted to show you how our Euegene, OR warehouse looks right before shipping day. Orders are going everywhere: Atlanta, GA; Columbus, OH; New York, NY; and Guadalajara, México. 

Go online now to to view our line of products, or visit our online store at and order today!

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

See you at DSEI 2013, London, England

We are proud to announce that Deployed Logix will be present at DSEI 2013, to be held Sept. 10-13 at ExCel in London, England.

DSEI is one of the world's most important, and certainly the largest Defence and Security Event in the world. This year, DLX has participated so far in some of the largest international Defence and Security events in the world,  including IDEX 2013 (Abu Dhabi, UAE), and LAAD 2013 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), among many others.

Meet us at stand number N5-342 (USA Pavilion)

Please visit for more information on our products, or shop online now at

The new DLXpress PowerKit 700

 Let us introduce our most succesful product yet: The new DLXpress Shelter w/ PowerLogix 700 Kit.

By combining our field power and lighting kit with our rapid-deployment shelter, DLX has created a system that can deploy shelter, lighting and power in under 10 minutes. Included is our DLX Xpress shelter, made with the latest techinology by HDT Global, and everything that comes in the PowerCase kit, all securely packaged in a single hardcase. 
This Rapid Tactical Deployment Shelter and Sustained Power: Great for Fire REHAB Shelter, Tactical DECON, Incident Command, Comms, Crime Scene Investigation, Animal Shelter, Flu Vaccination, etc.
Please, let us know what you intend to use it for, so we can help you with your exact necessities.
The DLXpress shelter Features a 90 second deployment time, 55mph wind resistance, and robust and durable construction. There’s no better choice than an Xpress shelter when time and functionality are critical factors.
Our kits include everything your team will need to provide short-term emergency power for First-on-site personnel, as well as sustained solar power for longer stay environments.

  • Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries that will not leak, vent fumes, and are DOT and UN approved to be transportable by air (unlike large lithium and Lead Acid batteries). 
  • High-efficiency inverters. Run everything from multiple laptops to essential communications equipment to flat screen TVs (up to 400 watts). 
  • Mono-Crystalline solar panels. They have the highest wattage per square foot and perform better under a wider range of light and temperature conditions than more common panels. you’ll always have reliable and powerful recharging capability.
  • Chainable LED lights. They use only 3W each, and provide almost 10x as much light per watt as incandescent bulbs.  
  • Rugged, stackable DLX hardcases with custom-cut foam. Cases are dust & waterproof (up to 5m).
You can find more information for the DLXpress, and shop it now online at:

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013


DLX's Paul Silva
We love San Francisco! So we just wanted to show this nice picture of Paul Silva, one of the DLX's partners showing off in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Deployed Logix is in California and everywhere, with the latest Deployment and Emergency Response equipment and technology.

Visit for more information, or shop online now at

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Training the Colombian "Jungla" Special Ops Teams

A DLX instructor talks to a Jungla Team.
DLX has a permanent team in Colombia, assisting various First Response, Health and military teams countrywide in a variety of missions.

In this picture, we see Hernán Zambrano, our Colombian lead instructor based in Bogotá, showing some members of the elite "Jungla" Special Ops team our Expedition Osmotic Hydration Unit.

The Junglas, as they are known locally and internationally, are the most elite team of the Colombian National Police. They are trained in a variety of specialties to deal with crime in some of the most challenging natural scenarios in the world.

DLX is there making their life easier with innovative products such as the DLX Expedition Camelback, which filtrates and purifies water almost instantly from any source.

Visit our website at to learn more about this and other forward-thinking products.

Or shop online now for this and other products at

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

The New Custom-Made DLX Hardcases

This DLX Case holds 10 Sig Sauer P229 pistols, with accesories.
At Deployed Logix we are proud to sell the best-in-market line of Hardcases out there. Our competition simply cannot compete against the latest design features, stackability and toughness of our line of hardcases, that by the way, come in every size you can think of.

In this particular case, one of our Law Enforcement clients asked for a transport and storage unit for 10 Sig Sauer P229 pistols. We laser-cut the foam inside and made it to fit the guns perfectly, along with accesories and chargers.

Visit now to learn more about these and other products. Or stop by to shop online now!

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

The New DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit

Everything you need for 3 days of survival is included in the DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit.
Deployed Logix has created one of the most interesting ultimate survival products out there: The DLX 72-hour Life Essential Kit. It contains the essential hydration, nutrition, illumination and sanitation products to survive in the outdoors or in case of a disaster or emergency.

The concept behind it comes from 25+ years of experience in the emergency preparedness industry. Deployed Logix has used its know-how and experience to create a 3-day kit that has a 5 year shelf life and is 100% Made in America. This kit is for 1 or 2 persons. We have teamed-up with first class companies to produce this unique kit, which is exclusive to Deployed Logix.

For all First Responders, Campers, Survivalists, and Preppers out there, you just can't afford to go out without this Kit!

Shop it NOW online here: 

Or shop for our entire product line at

martes, 25 de junio de 2013

The joy of Delivering an Order

Off it goes!
At Deployed Logix, the best day is when an order leaves our Eugene, Oregon warehouse and hits the road!

In the picture, we see a truckload and trailer filled with some of our brand new products: the DLXpress Shelter with the Power Logix 700 kit; some of our 50" and 62" DLX Hard Cases; and finally one of the coolest Off-Grid solutions out there, or new Power Case 700 kit.

Don't forget to visit to purchase online. Shipping charges all over the U.S. are included in our prices!

DLX @ Frankfurt, Germany

Deployed Logix's JJ Urhausen with some first responders in Frankfurt, Germany, and the amazing Commerzbank building in the background.

It has been a crazy 2013 for DLX, traveling all over the world showing our newest products and technology. On our way to Qatar, we stopped in Frankfurt and visited some first responders there.

Deployed Logix sells the most advanced deployment products in the world. From individuals to governments, from NGO's to military clients worldwide, DLX makes Global Deployment easier and faster. 

For our online store, visit


Ha sido un agitado 2013 para DLX, viajando por todo el mundo mostrando nuestros nuevos productos y teconologías. En ruta a Qatar, paramos en Frankfurt, Alemania y visitamos algunos equipos de emergencias.

Deployed Logix vende los más avanzados productos para desplazamiento en el mundo. Desde individuos hasta gobiernos, de Organizaciones no gubernamentales a clientes militares en todo el mundo, DLX hace el deplazamiento en todo el mundo algo rápido y fácil.

Visita nuestra tienda virtual en:

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

The Alaska Outdoors is not far enough...

DLX's Brandon Webb
Deployed Logix is known for traveling the world visiting customers, and solving their deployment needs by delivering our products on time. And the Alaska Wilderness is no exception.

DLX's own Brandon Webb recently visited this wonderful corner of the world, meeting and making new friends and clients. Our customers may be anywhere in the world, and in Deployed Logix we are ready to go all the way.


A Deployed Logix se le conoce por viajar alrededor del mundo visitando clientes y resolviendo sus necesidades de desplazamiento, entregando nuestros productos a tiempo. Y Alaska no es la excepción.

Brand Webb, de DLX visitó recientemente este hermoso rincón del mundo, concociendo nuevos amigos y clientes. Nuestros clientes pueden estar en cualquier lugar del mundo, y en Deployed Logix estamos listos para recorrer todos los caminos.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

DLX delivers in any weather!

Hernán Zambrano unloading some brand new DLX Cases
Last week, DLX delivered an order of DLX Cases all the way down in Bogotá, Colombia. Rain and thunder washed the whole city. But that didn't stop our top guy in Bogotá, Mr. Zambrano, from delivering on time.

Check out all the hardcase options for tactical storage in our website:, or visit our online store today!

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

DLX's May 2013 visit in Bogotá, Colombia

Colombian National Police members, proudly wearing the DLX t-shirt.

We were back with our friends and clients in Bogotá this past week. We were very busy showing our newest products to our clients there, and also were very happy to see some of our friends again.

We also did demonstrations and training to different military, police and first-responder groups. 
A single member of the Colombia Police can carry the DLX Xpress Shelter.

To seal the amazing trip, DLX's JJ Urhausen received a special gift from the JUNGLA Special Ops Unit, part of the Colombia National Police. This was a special Challenge Coin that came with the JUNGLA shield in a beautiful wooden box. We greatly appreciate this gesture from our friends!
Capt. Tom Breen (left) and JJ Urhausen, after receiving the JUNGLA challenge coins and badges.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Jim Cantore loves DLX's Hydropack

Jim Cantore loves DLX's Hydropack

Weather Channel's Jim Cantore enjoying an orange flavored Hydropack
Deployed Logix was present at the National Hurricane Conference 2013 in New Orleans, LA, where we recieved a susrprise visit from Weather Channel's Jim Cantore. He was impressed by all our Emergency Prepardeness products, especially the DLX Hydropack, our personal Osmotic Filtration bag that can purify any water in 8 hours, in an effortless and powerless way.

We will be on-air with him in June, but meanwhile Jim had a refreshing sip from our orange flavor sample. Enjoy!

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Say Hello to our Online Store:

Say Hello to our Online Store:

Our team at DLX has done a great effort putting together our new Online Store. Visit to find a wide atrrangement of products that will make your First Response and Emergency tasks easier and more efficient.

From Hydration to Off-grid Power, Tactical Lightining and Accesories, we have your emergency and tactical needs covered. Visit us today and say goodbye to shipping charges (for a limited time only)

Visit us at

Deployed Logix @ Washington DC

Our very own Adam Barr in front of the White House
We recently visited our friends and clients in Washigton, D.C. Visit for more information on our products. Also, visit our online store at

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

DLX @ LAAD 2013, Day 1

Three-Star Generals and other distinguished visitors stopped by the DLX booth at LAAD 2013, Rio de Janeiro
We're located at Pavillion 3 in Riocentro, booth P-79
Lot's of activity at the DLX booth today! We had the honor of talking with visitors from almost all divisions of Brazilian military and Police, including the Fuzileiros, Navy, Army, Forzas Especiais (Special Forces), Sniper teams, and many more.

Specially popular were our Osmotic Hydration solutions, which adapt perfectly to the Brazilian warm and humid jungles. These products are unique, because they provide a powerless emergency purification solution on-the-go thanks to our one of a kind osmotic filter technology.

Learn more about Deployed Logix products at

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

DLX > Ready for LAAD 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Just to remember our friends and clients that we will be participating at LAAD 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from April 9-12, at Riocentro Exposition Center.

Our booth will be on U.S. Pavillion #3, number P-79.

Come to see the latest in Emergency Response and Military deployment products.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

See you at LAAD 2013, Rio de Janeiro

The Deployed Logix team is back from our very successful trip to the United Arab Emirates for the IDEX 2013 show in Abu Dhabi. Lots of old friends and clients, but also new business under way.

Now we are pleased to announce that we are going to participate in LAAD Defence and Security 2013, to be held at Riocentro Expo, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from April 9 to 12, 2013. We hope to meet our Brazilian and Latin American clients in person while in Brazil, while showcasing some never before seen products.

Meet us at Hall 3, booth P-79 (Inside the US Pavillion).

You can download the exhibit floorplan here:

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Deployed Logix @ IDEX 2013 Abu Dhabi, day 3

Lots of visitors, lots of activity for our DLX staff members.
The third day of exhibition at IDEX 2013, Abu Dhabi was even better than the first two. We were honored to greet at our booth past clients, visitors and friends from many countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Russia, Colombia, India, Nepal, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Kuwait and the United States, among others.

Some of our more popular products proved to be our Osmotic Hydration Systems (which use no energy or power of any sort), our Rapid Portable Shelter System and our new Off-Grid power solutions.

Many deals were made and we are sure will continue to be made in the next few days as the show continues until Feb. 21st.

Visit our website at for more information on our products.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

IDEX 2013 Abu Dhabi, days 1 & 2

Paul Silva is showing some of the new DLX products to visitors at IDEX 2013
With an airshow by the UAE Air Force, the International Defence Conference and Expo IDEX 2013 started with flare.

The Deployed Logix staff was kept busy by a large number of visitors coming from all of the Middle East, taking a look at our latest products.

We have also greeted many old friends and clients and hope to keep up the work on coming days.

We also want to thank ambassador Michael H. Corbin for inviting us to the reception for American companies at the USS Green Bay, at Mina Zayed, Abu Dhabi.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Deployed Logix Sponsors Colombian Special Forces Team

The DLX Team Colombia, led by Mr. Zambrano (center in black shirt)
Deployed Logix proudly sponsored the Colombian National Police Special Forces Team in a contest in Bogotá last month. The contest involved Special Forces teams from several Latin American countries, competing in different tasks.

A member of the DLX Team Colombia
The team was led by Deployed Logix's own Hernán Zambrano, our Private Security Consulting expert and instructor, and a former Junglas (Colombian National Police Special Antinarcotic Force) squad leader. 

Mr. Zambrano heads Deployed Logix's sales team in Colombia and resides in Bogotá.

sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Visit to U.S. Ordnance in Reno, NV

This week we headed to Reno, NV to visit the guys of U.S. Ordnance. As always, they were great and they showed their hospitality by giving us a tour of their top-of-the-art facilities and, of course, by taking us to the shooting range. 

We fired a variety of amazing guns, including the M2, M4, M60, and even a AK-47 and Tommy gun. We had a great time in Reno! Special thanks to Curtis, Dan, Jessie and Chris, and Stephan.