martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Deployed Logix @ IDEX 2013 Abu Dhabi, day 3

Lots of visitors, lots of activity for our DLX staff members.
The third day of exhibition at IDEX 2013, Abu Dhabi was even better than the first two. We were honored to greet at our booth past clients, visitors and friends from many countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Russia, Colombia, India, Nepal, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Kuwait and the United States, among others.

Some of our more popular products proved to be our Osmotic Hydration Systems (which use no energy or power of any sort), our Rapid Portable Shelter System and our new Off-Grid power solutions.

Many deals were made and we are sure will continue to be made in the next few days as the show continues until Feb. 21st.

Visit our website at for more information on our products.

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